June 18 - Personal - Jeremiah 7:1-15
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Intro - Focus Attention
- Q. What would you include in a list of reasons people go to church?
- Discuss.
- Friends, family, worship, community, forgiveness, salvation, devotion, tradition, you’ve always done it, etc.
- Q. What makes participating in church services more appealing to many people than living according to God’s Word?
- Give time to answer.
- Sometimes people get the wrong idea that if I just go to church, put money in the offering plate, or do a few good deeds then I can make up for how I act the rest of the week.
- The truth is, religious activity can never substitute for obedient living.
- Q. How does the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words” apply to this conversation?
- Discuss.
- While coming to church and participating in worship is good and important, if believers don’t live their lives in obedience to God throughout the week, then their actions aren’t backing up the words they sing on Sunday.
- Today we are going to see how Jeremiah confronted the false worship and empty rituals of the people, calling them to stop breaking the commands of God and warning them of His judgement.
- Context:
- Last week we saw how the people of God had turned their back on the Lord and instead of worshiping God they worshiped false idols.
- This week we are looking at Jeremiah 7:1-15 and we are going to see how the people tried to appease God by worshiping and reciting empty words on holy days but they would walk outside of the temple and continue to sin and turn their back on God.
- This blatant disregard for the words of God caused Jeremiah to have sorrow as he anticipated the coming judgement and exile (Jer 8:14-22). In seeing the rebellion of the people Jeremiah asked God to keep him faithful in the midst of the nations who opposed Him (Jer 10:23-25).
- Today’s passage is going to challenge us to take a step back and consider our actions and to realize that true worship is carried out through godly living.
Truth - Explore the Text
- Today we are going to switch the order of the questions and start by asking what we learn about man from this passage.
What does this passage tell me about man?
- Man can continue to do things because of tradition (Jer 7:2-4). The still went to the temple and recited the words they grew up hearing, but it wasn’t genuine.
- Man can be hypocritical. Saying one thing but doing another (Jer 7:3, 9-10).
- While man’s sin is ultimately against God, sin affects those around us (Jer 7:5-6).
- Man’s sin is destructive (Jer 7:6-9).
- Man repeats the same sins over and over again (Jer 7:12-15). Shiloh was where Eli and his wicked sons where the priests who led worship in the tabernacle. In 1 Samuel 2 we see how God promised to judge them for their sin, and that’s just what happened. Sadly, the people of Judah were falling into the same sins again and had forgotten the lesson of Shiloh.
What does this passage tell me about God?
- God sends His word to get people’s attention (Jer 7:2-3).
- God isn’t pleased with empty words (Jer 7:3-4).
- A true relationship with God brings transformation (Jer 7:5–6).
- God isn’t tricked by false words of repentance (Jer 7:9-11).
- God is consistent in His judgement against sin (Jer 7:12-15). Jeremiah pointed to how God had destroyed His tabernacle in the past because of the sins of His people.
- God sends a warning through His word (Jer 7:13).
What does this passage mean FOR my life?
- I need to evaluate my entire life.
- Am I being hypocritical?
- Am I simply going to church and singing songs because of tradition?
- Am I trying to cover my sin throughout the week by going to church?
- Do my actions match my words?
- I need to confess my sins against God and against others.
- I need to hear and respond to God’s words of warning and His call to repentance.
- I need to stop trying to trick God through empty words.
Personal Challenge:
- Q. If the treatment of others is a barometer of true worship of God, how would you evaluate your worship?
- Q. What actions can you take this week to demonstrate faithfulness by showing love to others?
- Q. Who in your life is holding you accountable As you live out your relationship with the Lord?
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In Philippians 2:6-11 Paul quoted an early Christian hymn that testified of the work of Christ. The following article was produced by Lifeway and discusses how early believers used songs.