Fuge - Summer Camp
Fuge is a summer camp designed for 6th-12th graders. Students will experience worship, Bible studies, games, activities, and free time. This year CV Students will be going to North Greenville University where Middle School will be doing Centrifuge and High School is doing MFuge. Please register below and contact the church office if you have any questions (601) 635-2828.
- When: June 12-17, 2023
- Where: North Greenville University in Tigerville, SC
- Who: 6th-12th Grade
- Cost: $375
- Deposit: $75 - Due March 8th, 2023 - Scholarships are available, contact Thomas or John Mark at the Church office for more information: (601) 635-2828 / thomas@clarkevenable.com
- Register Below
How To Register
Step 1
Click the link below to sign up. If you have questions you can contact Thomas or John Mark at the Church Office (601-635-2828).
Step 2
The second step is to pay for camp. A $75 deposit is required to secure a spot for camp. The total cost is $375.
- $75 Deposit Due March 8th, 2023
- Final Balance Due May 17, 2023
- Scholarships are available, contact Thomas or John Mark at the Church Office for more information: (601) 635-2828 / thomas@clarkevenable.com
- You can click the link below to pay online, or bring a check by the church office. If you have questions please contact the church office (601) 635-2828
*Under “Event Type,” please choose “Student Summer Camp” and type the student’s name in the memo.
Step 3
Camp documents will be ready soon. Check back later to fill out the Camp Participant Form.
The third step is to complete the “Camp Waiver & Release Form.” This year the camp forms are only available online. You must click the link below and follow the instructions.
Step 4
The fourth step is to provide a photocopy of your insurance card. You can bring your insurance card to the church office when delivering the notarized “Camp Participant Form” from Step 3.
Step 4
The fourth step is to look over the Fuge Parent Pack. This document provides general information about the camp as well as what to pack.
Step 6
The sixth step is to look over the Track Selections. Students will make their Track Selections once we arrive at camp.