Hear My Story

Purpose of "Hear My Story"

Hear My Story is a ministry designed to equip followers of Jesus to share their testimony.  Many times the gospel of Jesus is carried to a lost world on the wings of the testimonies of those whose lives have been changed by Jesus.  Testimonies of a redeemed life also provides fuel to other followers of Jesus to press on, to be bold, to never give up, and to continue to extend God’s grace and magnify His glory.


Story Card – The story Card is one page containing an outline to assist you as you prepare your own personal story of how Jesus changed your life.  Printed copies of “The Story Card” are also in the Church office. 

Video Lesson – How to Prepare Your Personal Testimony.  The video below is from our pastor, Mark.  Listen as he shares his heart “that every member of our church would be able to share their testimony at any time in any place with anyone.”  This video will help you include all the essential elements of your testimony.